Shakhovskaya L.S., Kiryanova A.Yu. Assessment of the intellectual capital of the region .

Shakhovskaya Larisa Semenovna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of World Economics, Volgograd State Technical University
Prosp. Lenina, 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Kiryanova Anna Yurуevna
Student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Bachelor in Economics, Volgograd State Technical University
Prosp. Lenina, 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russian Federation

In the conditions of the market economy and promptly developing society of knowledge the intellectual capital becomes a strategic resource. In the article the essence of the intellectual capital, its structure, functions and the role in the development of the economic complex of the Volgograd region is studied. The assessment of the level of the intellectual capital of the region was carried out using a number of indicators, among which demographic indicators, quantity of the budgetary places in educational institutions of higher education, the priority directions of training for entrants, investments into scientific research, into the fixed capital and infrastructure of the region. Authors consider that the intellectual capital of the Volgograd region is not at a high level in comparison with other leading regions so far. Meanwhile, these are the investments into education, science and research development that influence synergetically, qualitatively and quantitatively the regional intellectual capital and the individual human capital of experienced workers. And at a more effective management the received volume of profit on investments into the human capital can exceed many times the volume of profit received from investments into equipment. Therefore an expanded reproduction of the intellectual capital of the region has to be among priority problems of the strategic territorial management.
Key words: intellectual capital, human capital, structural capital, customer capital, profit, region, development, knowledge, information, resources, experts, science, innovation, investments.

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