Maksimchuk O.V., Boldyreva S.B., Boboev S.M., Toshmatov N.U. Ways to Solve Desertification Problem from Standpoint of Territorial Development Sustainability
Olga V. Maksimchuk
Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russian Federation
Saglar B. Boldyreva
Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russian Federation
Sobirzhon M. Boboev
Samarkand State Architectural and Civil-Engineering Institute, Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan
Norpulat U. Toshmatov
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. The problem of sustainable development has attracted the attention of the entire scientific community since 1993, and its solution is a priority direction of government policy. The solution of sustainable development problems is impossible without the solution of the problems of the availability of natural resources, especially water. The result of human economic activity is the depletion of water sources, degradation of natural filters such as soils, or desertification. All countries of Central and Middle Asia and more than 20 regions of the Russian Federation have tried to solve desertification problems for more than 50 years. Since 2003, their efforts were united within the framework of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Taking into account the long period of renewal and reproduction of natural resources in conditions of active economic use of natural resources for the purpose of socio-economic development of territories, solving problems of negative consequences of human intervention in nature is an urgent task for science. This study is aimed at problem identification of desertification from the standpoint of sustainable development of the territory, taking into account a number of factors that cause soil degradation and determine the living comfort of the population. The following scientific results during the study were obtained. The definition of desertification was clarified, and the author’s justification for this problem was given from the standpoint of the sustainability of the territory’s development. A comparative and statistical analysis of the factors causing desertification of territories was carried out. A review of the factors determining the sustainability of the territory’s development was made. Decisions were justified to eliminate the negative impact of desertification factors and increase the sustainability of development in the corresponding territories (using the example of the territories of Central and Middle Asia). The results are characterized by scientific and practical significance and are of interest to scientists conducting research on this issue and practicing specialists in territorial development and ecology.
Key words: desertification, sustainability, development, territory, water, environmental management, ecology, population.
Citation. Maksimchuk O.V., Boldyreva S.B., Boboev S.M., Toshmatov N.U., 2024. Ways to Solve Desertification Problem from Standpoint of Territorial Development Sustainability. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 246-259. (in Russian). DOI:
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