Belyakova G.Ya., Avramchikov V.M. Interaction of Commercial and Government Digital Platforms: Advantages and Effects

Galina Ya. Belyakova
Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Vyacheslav M. Avramchikov
Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. In the context of digital transformation in economic development, the attention of business entities is largely focused on the processes of exchanging knowledge, skills, and experience between market participants, while the priority is not the production technologies themselves but the processes of managing them. This task of developing information and communication infrastructures has been successfully solved with the help of digital platforms and digital ecosystems created both in business structures and in the fields of public and municipal administration. Multifunctional digital platforms with a complex system of interactions between their various participants, which combine several types of operational activities (development, manufacture of products, including complementary ones, bringing platform products to the consumer, etc.), are the most effective since they form the processes of sharing company assets and joint value creation. Functional differences between commercial and government digital platforms were shown, as were problems arising in this regard in their interaction in the digital environment and ways to solve them. The analysis of the practical use of digital platforms created with government participation, as exemplified by the ecosystems of PJSC Sberbank and PJSC Gazprom, is carried out. During the development of new digital platforms, oligopolistic competition arises in business, which results in the monopolization of network effects and pricing policies by the creators of the platforms. Interaction in the field of digital business between commercial and government structures makes it possible to coordinate these processes and regulate macroeconomic proportions across the country as a whole. The possible effects of the implementation of commercial digital platforms in public administration functions are determined, and the interdependencies of public and private platforms and ecosystems formed on their basis are established. The possible effects of interaction between the state and business in the course of the development of new digital platform solutions and the prospects and advantages of their joint use are revealed. The interaction of the government and business in the course of the development of new digital platform solutions allows for the growth of citizens’ solvency and creates conditions for the growth of the public product of the state as a whole. The growth of public value from the introduction of government digital platforms is essential, as is their interaction with commercial digital platforms.
Key words: digital transformation, digital platform, commercial digital platform, government digital platform, digital ecosystem, superapp, interaction of digital platforms, advantages of sharing digital platforms.
Citation. Belyakova G.Ya., Avramchikov V.M., 2024. Interaction of Commercial and Government Digital Platforms: Advantages and Effects. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 41-54. (in Russian). DOI:

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