Poltarykhin A.L., Velikorossov V.V., Filin S.A. Development of Digital Innovation Technologies and the Factors Influencing Their Introduction in a Company

Andrey L. Poltarykhin
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Vladimir V. Velikorossov
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Sergey A. Filin
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article discusses the aspects of generation and introduction of digital innovative technologies in different areas of the enterprise’s operation and the factors affecting their implementation in a firm. Methods of strategic development for the digital multinationals’ growth were used. A typologization of digital innovations was suggested, allowing enterprises which seek to increase their competitiveness by introducing such innovations to have an idea about which of them they need in the first place. Key factors affecting the introduction of digital innovations in the consulting, tools which make consulting services of competing organizations personal were analyzed. An analysis of the leading features for the provision of services by the number of verified consulting specialists was carried out. Recommendations were given on the development and implementation of technological innovations that improve the quality of the services provided and the level of digitalization of an enterprise ensuring its long-term competitiveness. Thus in unstable market conditions, characterized by constant fluctuations in short-term indicators in the supply-demand ratio, changes in state policy in business structures’ support, a decrease in investment activity and a decline in resources attraction due to the growing level of risks, enterprises are forced to develop independently and introduce various tools increasing the competitiveness.
Key words: digital technology, innovation, competitiveness, consulting services, economics, digitalization, innovative development.
Citation. Poltarykhin A.L., Velikorossov V.V., Filin S.A., 2023. Development of Digital Innovation Technologies and the Factors Influencing Their Introduction in a Company. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 100-107. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/re.volsu.2023.1.9
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