Roslyakova N.A. Digitalization as a Tool of Global Partnership: Shocks and Transformations of the Russian IT-Sphere

Natalia А. Roslyakova
V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. An example of the destructive influence of dependence on partners can be called the situation in the information and telecommunications (IT) sphere of Russia. Despite the aggravation of relations, the market share of some software and hardware components reached 100% of Russian market. Accordingly, with the beginning of the acute phase of station pressure, when Western partners began to leave the Russian market, the IT sphere turned out to be seriously destabilized. Equipment prices increased, many software developers were left without strategic partners and investments, customers without digital products. IT development budgets were urgently adjusted for the purchase of hardware. Moreover, an attempt was made to “capture” Russian personnel who were employed in Western IT companies. It is obvious that such a level of global openness for the IT sphere, which provides a number of basic needs for the population and business, as well as the authorities, is a threat to national security. The growth of self-sufficiency in all areas of the IT sphere will contribute to the sustainability of both the sphere itself and the whole country and will avoid the need for such emergency measures as it were required in 2022. IT is just an example and increasing self-sufficiency is relevant for the industry of mechanical engineering and tools, the production of components, energy and transport infrastructure and a number of other sectors of the Russian economy. The article examines the role of the state in the crisis management and strategic planning of the development of the IT sphere to ensure stability and security of work in the future.
Key words: IT-sphere, digitalization, principles of openness, global partnership, sanctions, anti-crisis policy, strategic planning.
Citation. Roslyakova N.A., 2023. Digitalization as a Tool of Global Partnership: Shocks and Transformations of the Russian IT-Sphere. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 80-91. (in Russian). DOI:

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