Matveeva L.G., Likhatskaya E.A. Assessment Simulation of Interchangeability Efficiency of Resource Potential of Participants of Innovative Salvations

Lyudmila G. Matveeva
Sothern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Ekaterina А. Likhatskaya
Sothern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Abstract. The need for organizational design of effective forms in the manufacturing industry, determined by modern imperatives to increase the use of endogenous potential using the capabilities of circular models, puts forward among such associations innovative solutions operating on the circularity platform. This is due to the fact that the main principle of their functioning is resource efficiency, as a result of rational organization and use of internal resources by participants, as well as rational symbiosis between them. The methodological basis of this study, in addition to basic methods and system-wide ones, includes the principles of zero-waste, resource efficiency, inclusivity, and resilience. The paper takes into account the results of a targeted analysis of modern approaches by Russian and foreign scientists specializing in issues of economic content and the role of circular models in the rational use of resource potential by the agents of integrated entities in the regional industry. The interpretation of their opinions on such criteria of circularity as inclusivity and resiliency was given. Taking into account the fundamental principles of interaction of solvates participants on the basis of circularity, this article examines the issues of rationality and the growth of resource symbiosis among participants. The latter is possible for the authors by choosing optimal variants for interchangeability of their potentials in cases of irrational (ineffective) use or identification of limiting components of resource potential. This is important in achieving local goals in the subsystems of the alliance and/or the global goal of unification. The article offers a set of simulation models. Their use makes it possible to form such alternative scenarios of targeted redistribution and replacement of resources by solvate subjects in close conjunction with the target installations of each stage of a single technological chain of value-added creation. Model verification is carried out on the example of industrial associations in the south of Russia. They are substantiated by the authors in previous papers as innovative solutions that meet the criteria for the content, organization, distribution, and use of resources, as well as the principles of the circular economy. Different scenarios for interchanging the resource potentials of participants were calculated in accordance with different variants of solvate pricing policy.
Key words: innovative solvates in industry, resource potential, interchanging, simulation, rational symbiosis, efficiency of resource redistribution, industrial associations in the south of Russia, circular economy.
Citation. Matveeva L.G., Likhatskaya E.A., 2023. Assessment Simulation of Interchangeability Efficiency of Resource Potential of Participants of Innovative Salvations. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 201-213. (in Russian). DOI:

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