Chukhnina G.Ya., Gorshkova N.V., Pleshakova M.V., Tregubova D.G. Improvement of Foreign Economic Activity Model of an Enterprise in Modern Geopolitical Conditions

Galina Ya. Chukhnina
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Natalya V. Gorshkova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Marina V. Pleshakova
Moscow City University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Darya G. Tregubova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation; PJSC Sberbank of Russia, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Due to the changing geopolitical situation in the world, there has been a violation and structural change in international production chains, trade cooperation between states, and the distribution of manufactured products, which entails the need to modernize the approach to the implementation of foreign economic activity by Russian enterprises. The purpose of the study was to improve the model of foreign economic activity of the organization, aimed at the maintenance and provision of the financial security of the enterprise in modern geopolitical conditions. The subject of the study is the economic relations arising from the foreign economic activity of LLC Volgograd mustard oil production plant “Sarepta,” affecting the financial security of the enterprise. During the research, statistical methods of information processing, economic analysis, methods of a systematic approach, as well as graphical and tabular methods of data processing and presentation, were used. The drawbacks of the current model of foreign economic activity of a particular enterprise are identified, measures to improve this model are suggested, and the methodology for the construction of the export cycle of an enterprise is presented. The peculiarity of the author’s methodology is the presence of the following stages of its implementation: research of the priority sales market, evaluation of logistics and distribution, analysis of the laws of the country of potential counterparties, development of a business model of presence in the market, conclusion of a foreign trade contract, and marketing support for exports. This technique is presented in the example of the interaction of the enterprise with counterparties from China. The results of the study concerning the improved methodology for the implementation of export operations by the enterprise can be applied to the practical activities of both the enterprise under analysis and other enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Russia engaged in foreign economic activity. The development and implementation of the methodology for the construction of the export cycle of the enterprise minimizes the risks associated with the implementation of the process of supply and sale of exported products.
Key words: foreign economic activity, geopolitical conditions, security, export operations, import, export cycle, business model.

Citation. Chukhnina G.Ya., Gorshkova N.V., Pleshakova M.V., Tregubova D.G., 2024. Improvement of Foreign Economic Activity Model of an Enterprise in Modern Geopolitical Conditions. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 177-187. (in Russian). DOI:
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