Klenova T.V., Batmanova V.V., Shlevkova T.V. Current Situation and Directions of Labor Resources Provision in Rural Areas of the Region (Exemplified by Volgograd Region)
Tatiana V. Klenova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Victoria V. Batmanova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Tatyana V. Shlevkova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. The paper presents the characteristics of rural areas as complex natural and economic systems that perform important functions for the state. The article shows the role and influence of agrarian reforms on the state of agriculture, which is the basis for development rural areas, and, as a consequence, on the state of the social infrastructure of the village are shown. The importance of problems’ solution of rural areas’ achievement on the trajectory of sustainable development is confirmed both by the state policy implemented in the Russian Federation and by a significant number of scientific research in this area. The article contains a number of statistical data, on the basis of which the authors made conclusions about the presence of a whole complex of problems that not only were not solved despite the measures taken, but also are aggravated in a number of cases, what significantly reduces the level of quality of life in the countryside, including Volgograd region. The article examines the main factors under the influence of which the provision of rural areas of the region with labor resources is influenced. They are “aging” of labor resources, decrease in the number of economically active population, essence of modern migration fr om rural areas to cities wh ere the largest part has student youth. The paper mentions integrated the need for the development of the agricultural sector of Volgograd region, other new types of businesses, non-agricultural sector of rural areas for welfare growth of the population, reduce social tension. It seems important to resolve the issue of conditions’ creation which can be necessary for the attraction of young specialists to the countryside.
Key words: rural areas, labor resources, government policy, migration, employment, rural social infrastructure, sustainable development, Volgograd region.
Citation. Klenova T.V., Batmanova V.V., Shlevkova T.V., 2022. Current Situation and Directions of Labor Resources Provision in Rural Areas of the Region (Exemplified by Volgograd Region). Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 119-131. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/re.volsu.2022.2.12
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