Oborin M.S. Strategic Background Causes for Food Security Provision in Rostov Region
Matvey S. Oborin
Perm Institute (Branch) of Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, Perm, Russian Federation; Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov, Perm, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article is devoted to the issue of long-term food security provision of the country’s regions that occupy leading positions in agriculture on the basis of a situational assessment of the key indicators of the industry, related conditions and factors. The purpose of the article is to determine the strategic prerequisites that positively affect the food security of Rostov region, taking into account innovative trends in the development of industrial enterprises, the level and directions of state support. The problems of assessment and analysis of food security at various territorial and administrative levels are studied. The study used general logical research methods, system and situational approaches, and modeling of economic processes. The article describes the scientific and theoretical approaches and methods of concept assessment, structure and indicators of food security in the papers of scientists and economists. The article presents a factor model of effectiveness assessment of the agricultural and food policy of the region based on the evaluation of potential and strategic directions of agro-industrial complex development of the constituent entity of the federation. The article discusses the trends in the development of agriculture in Rostov region, its specialization and specific characteristics. A comprehensive methodology for assessment of regional food security is presented and the factors influencing the choice of indicators are justified. The structure of the agro-industrial complex of Rostov region is characterized. Reasonable conclusions are made about the trends in the development of agricultural production. Further development of scientific research in this area should be associated with the development of a system of indicators for the assessment of food security, adjusted to the specific conditions of the country’s regions and the existing agricultural specialization. In the applied methodological approaches the analysis of innovations and risk factors of various origins, the system of preventive anti-crisis management associated with the peculiarities of the production and financial cycles of leading industrial enterprises are crucial.
Key words: agriculture, agro-industrial complex, strategy, food security, food security provision, methodological approach, anti-crisis management.
Citation. Oborin M.S., 2021. Strategic Background Causes for Food Security Provision in Rostov Region. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 151-161. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/re.volsu.2021.3.14
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