Mitrofanova I.V., Shkarupa E.A., Batova V.N. Export of Agricultural Products: Trends and Directions of State Support in Modern Conditions

Inna V. Mitrofanova
Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation;
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Ekaterina A. Shkarupa
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Vera N. Batova
Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation

Abstract. Despite the high potential of agricultural production and the fact that Russia is among the world leaders in the production of some agricultural products, today Russia often tops the rankings of the world’s leading importers rather than exporters. While earlier the main task was to meet domestic demand, now it is generally possible to speak about the solution of the food security problem in Russia. One of the key areas of the long-term strategy for the development of agro-industrial complex is the creation of conditions for the development of exports and the expansion of the structure of exported goods. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current level and trends in the development of agricultural exports, as well as to analyze key methods and priority directions of its state support. As a result of the analysis of the current level and trends in the development of agricultural exports, the main export products and main buyers were identified, the growth of agricultural exports was shown, the geography of agricultural exports was specified, measures of state support were identified. The main problems impeding the expansion of export potential of domestic agricultural production in modern conditions are as follows: poor competitiveness of exported agricultural products, insufficient level of knowledge and experience of agricultural producers to carry out export activities, shortcomings in the registration and certification of products, strict phytosanitary supervision, insufficient financing for the development of export potential. Having studied trends in the development of exports of agricultural products of the Russian Federation, its potential and opportunities for expansion were proved. For this purpose, the federal project “Export of agricultural products” was adopted and implemented. The following areas of state support for agricultural exports are defined as efficient ones: concessional lending, compensation of costs for transportation of products, compensation of costs for certification of products, support of oil crops production. It should be taken into account that the support is provided by means of financial and non-financial instruments, the list of which is constantly updated in accordance with the requests of service recipients.

Key words: export, export potential, agro-industrial complex, state support, support measures, financing, concessional lending.

Citation. Mitrofanova I.V., Shkarupa E.A., Batova V.N., 2021. Export of Agricultural Products: Trends and Directions of State Support in Modern Conditions. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 131-140. (in Russian). DOI:

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