Kosolapov A.E., Matveeva L.G. Efficiency management of regional water supply system
Alexey Evgenyevich Kosolapov
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head, Russian Information and Analytical, Scientific and Research Water Supply Center
M. Gorkogo St., 88, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Lyudmila Grigoryevna Matveeva
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of the Informational Economics, Southern Federal University; Head of Department, Russian Information and Analytical, Scientific and Research Water Supply Center
M. Gorkogo St., 88, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Abstract. The competitiveness growth of the regions of the South of Russia against a high water consumption of regional industry and together with a limited (in some regions in particular Northern Caucasus) and a low lever of water supply determine the importance of a full analysis of the regional specificity of water use in the given regions for the suggestion of measures directed on the efficiency growth of the use of this type of resource. A high diversity of territorial factors and conditions (directly correlated with historically high differentiation of the regions upon the indices of resource and other potentials and levels of social and economic development) influencing the existing practice of water use determined the multiple variants of creation of regional management systems of efficient water supply including the questions of their subject and object clearness. The purpose of research is to identify the possibilities of the attainment of managerial reaction for an efficient water use on the basis of harmonization of innovative processes in industrial and ecological spheres of the region. The methodology of research is based on the provisions of the theories of regional economics and regional management, convergence of system resource and target, cybernetic approaches to the water use management, theories of management of systems of the economic nature, balanced growth, sectoral markets and rational water use. In the course of the solution of the task of the creation of the regional management system of water supply efficiency focused on the governmental imperatives another key problem was identified. It is the coordination of the interests of all participants of the regional water economy which immediately agrees with the solution of the problems of an expedient distribution of the limited water resources of the region. The importance of the identification of internal sources of the achieving the efficiency of water supply of the region in the conditions of resource limitations is substantiated. Using the example of the Stavropol krai it is proved that high ranks of the region are caused by the use of resource efficient technologies and ecologization in the natural resource use (including the water resources). The conclusion is made that the achievement of the economic equilibrium between participants of the water complex of the region at the distribution of water resources allows achieving equilibrium of their interests both in the process of water supply and efficient water use.
Key words: water resources of the region, rationality of water supply, effective water consumption, regional system of management water use, balance of interests, resource-saving, environmental friendliness.