Gordienko S.V. Conditions and methods of increasing the efficiency of a regional tourist product creation

Stanislav Victorovich Gordienko 
Researcher, Laboratory of Economics and Management of Tourist and Recreational Clusters, Sochi Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science 
Teatral’naya St., 8a, 354000 Sochi, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The inefficiency of the Russian Federation (RF) economy is also associated with a lack in technology. The decline in the indices of the Russian tourism industry is the result of an incomplete understanding of the benefits of a regional tourist product. In addition the inaccessibility of foreign technologies for the creation of integrated tourist products and the lack of such domestic developments is critical for the effectiveness of the results of tourism development strategies in municipalities and RF entities. The methodological basis of the research is represented by methods of analysis and synthesis, theoretical and empirical method and formalization method. Methodically, the research is based on a conceptual list of the technological approach, basic macro-means and compiled by the author mandatory macro elements of technological solutions as necessary conditions for increasing the effectiveness for a regional tourist product creation. The article proved that the technological approach and technological solutions used make more efficient the process of a regional tourist product creation. The author analyzed the concepts of economic and non-economic, social, technical and integral efficiency. As a result, a hierarchy of species and subspecies of efficiency has been formed. The errors in measuring the efficiency of large-scale projects are identified. Positive and negative variants of mutual impact of various types of efficiency at their integration are presented. Eventually it is necessary to integrate economic and non-economic, social efficiencies in order to measure the effectiveness for a regional tourist product creation. The calculation methods of economic, non-economic and integral efficiency are proposed for a regional tourist product creation. The results will be useful for assessing the effectiveness of using budgetary and extra-budgetary funds in implementing tourism development programs in the RF regions. 
Key words: tourism, efficiency, regional tourism product, tourist product creation, tourism development strategies, technological approach, technological solutions, hierarchy of efficiency, integral efficiency.
