Altufeva N.V. Priorities of development of small and medium sized innovative business in the conditions of global challenges
Natalya Valeryevna Altufeva
Junior Researcher, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science
Рrosp. Oktyabrya, 71, 450053 Ufa, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of substantiation of priorities of development of small and medium sized innovative business. It is shown that in modern conditions the priorities of development of small and medium sized innovative business should be considered as a necessary direction for effective innovative development of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Russia as a whole. The article considers approaches to the measurement of innovative development of small and medium-sized innovative business. The approaches to the evaluation of the development of innovative systems are classified. The theoretical basis of the research is represented by the classification of approaches to the evaluation of the development of innovative systems. The approaches of substantiation of strategic priorities, to solve the problem of substantiation of priorities of development of small and medium sized innovative business, various methods are analyzed. The Russian and foreign experience to substantiate the strategic priorities of small and medium innovative business development is analyzed. The shortcomings of the proposed approaches and methods are revealed. The method of calculation of the global innovation index for the countries of the world is analyzed, which is fundamental in the development of a unified methodological approach to the substantiation of the priorities of development of small and medium innovative entrepreneurship in the regions of Russia. The author emphasizes that in the context of global challenges to the justification of strategic priorities for the development of small and medium-sized innovative business, it is necessary to approach comprehensively and take into account all approaches in the assessment, and composite indicators used to summarize the information of the study.
Key words: small and medium sized innovative business, approaches, global challenges, calculation methods, classification, GII index, development priorities, Russian and foreign experience.