Zvereva N.I. Upgrading the approaches to the government regulation of social entrepreneurship in Russia
Nataliya Ivanovna Zvereva
Postgraduate Student, Department of Management Theory and Business Processes, Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov; Director of the Fund of Regional Social Programs “Our Future”
Znamenka St., 8/13, bld. 2, 119019 Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article describes the genesis of governmental regulation of the social entrepreneurship sector in Russia. The current system is in the phase of an active formation and embraces the establishment and development of the concepts, goals, tasks and instruments of public policy. At the beginning of the article the author analysed the governmental legislative regulation of the social entrepreneurship sphere. Then the author considers the infrastructure, educational and financial instruments actually supporting social enterprises in Russia. Based on the analysis, the author ascertained the absence of a governmental strategic program related to social enterprise’s sector development. The implementation of such regulation leads to a duplication of infrastructure and complicates the administration of the financial direction of support. Additionally, there are significant obstacles for the balanced social entrepreneurship development on the whole territory of Russia: the lack of social innovation centers in several regions, as well as insignificant financing of social enterprises from the governmental and private sources. The author proposes to work out a unified program for social enterprise sector development in Russia, and based on this program to adopt the appropriate legislation and to adjust the governmental regulation of this sector.
Key words: social entrepreneurship, governmental management mechanism, legal regulation, Centres of social innovation, consulting and educational support, financing of social enterprises.