Lipina S.A., Sorokina N.Yu., Belyavskaya-Plotnik L.A., Bocharova L.K. Methodological aspects of decomposition and aggregation of indicators of social and economic development in documents of strategic planning

Svetlana Arturovna Lipina 
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Studying of Productive Forces, Head of the Department “World Ocean and Arctic”, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade Vavilova St., 7, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation; Head of Laboratory Higher School of Public Administration, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration 
Рrosp. Vernadskogo, 82, 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Natalya Yuryevna Sorokina 
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Department of National and Regional Economics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Stremyannyi lane, 36, 115093 Moscow, Russian Federation; Research Associate of the Department “World Ocean and Arctic” Council for Studying of Productive Forces, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade 
Vavilova St., 7, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Belyavskaya-Plotnik 
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Crisis Management and Finance, Institute of Economics and Crisis Management Vavilova St., 53, 117312 Moscow, Russian Federation; Senior Research Associate of the Department “World Ocean and Arctic” Council for Studying of Productive Forces, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade 
Vavilova St., 7, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Lina Konstantinovna Bocharova 
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Research Associate of the Department “World Ocean and Arctic”, Council for Studying of Productive Forces, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade 
Vavilova St., 7, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Abstract. It is substantiated that the evaluation of the implementation of strategic planning documents should be carried out in accordance with the key postulates of the general theory of systems that involve the implementation of interrelated processes of decomposition and aggregation of indicators of socio-economic development. The methodology of decomposition and aggregation of indicators for assessing the implementation of strategic planning documents at the federal level is proposed which is a tool for diagnosing the extent to which the key objectives and tasks of a specific document of the strategic planning system of the Russian Federation are achieved. The rules for decomposition of the indicators for assessing the implementation of the strategic planning document are formulated which allow determining the components of an indicator for which an effective control action can and should be generated and the rules for aggregating the indicators that justify the choice of an adequate method and technology of aggregation, and also to form an aggregated rating of territories’ levels of actually achieved values of social and economic development indicators. The procedure for specifying the structure of the index “Human Development Index” is presented. This is one of the most important indicators for assessing the implementation of strategic planning documents at the federal level. The recommendations for the construction of an aggregated rating of territories (sectors) according to the levels of actually achieved values of indicators of social and economic development are suggested. They allow identifying the contribution of a specific participant in the strategic planning system to the implementation of the goals, the solution of problems and the achievement of planned values of the indicators of the implementation assessment of the documents of strategic planning at the federal level. It is substantiated that the proposed methodology which involves the use of quantitative (at the stage of decomposition) and qualitative (at the aggregation stage) criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of strategic planning documents has the potential for use in the system of state and municipal management of the Russian Federation. 
Key words: strategic management, strategic planning document, indicator, decomposition, aggregation, socio-economic development.