Pashchenko I.V., Chelpanova D.D. Science foundations as a form of financing innovative activities (US and Russian experience)

Vladimirovna Pashchenko 
Candidate of Philosophy Sciences, Leading Researcher, Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the RAS 
Prosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation 

Diana Dmitrievna Chelpanova 
Candidate of Sociology Sciences, Senior Researcher, Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the RAS 
Prosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article analyzes the organizational basis and activities of the system of science foundations of the United States and the Russian Federation which occupy one of the main places in the national innovation systems. The structure, goals, genesis and organized reform of science foundation in the North American model of innovative development are analyzed in detail. This system is a model of a spiral, which includes five institutional components, which are science, business, the state, civil society and consumers of products. The developed legislative system regulates the introduction of scientific and technological achievements in economic activities. The national legislation has led to the creation and implementation of special federal programs that ensure the innovative activities of the United States. The role of Russian science foundations is determined on base of the US experience in supporting research. It justifies the idea that at the present stage the state should act at the same both as a source of demand and financing for innovation, and as the main mediator of innovation processes. This model is appropriated but it must be reformed taking into account the most optimal development model of fundamental and applied research complex in which business structures play the dominant role. A study of the evolution of the innovation development of the Russian Federation reveals that at the present stage the systems of science foundations and budget support are developing and functioning in parallel without resource allocation and the division of their application. Science foundations cannot act as a universal mechanism to found research and development since they are not intended for system support of the science infrastructure, do not solve the task of recovering the staff structure and succession. The financing mechanism of science foundations contain the limits of project support since necessary reserve and publications on the subject of the study. 
Key words: innovation, science, commercialization of research, investment, science foundation, grant.