Revunov R.V., Revunov S.V. Directions of modernization of the environmental management mechanism at the regional level

Roman Vadimovich Revunov 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics, Novocherkassk Engineering and Melioration Institute named after A.K. Kortunov, Branch of the Don State Agrarian University 

Pushkinskaya St., 111, 346400 Novocherkassk, Russian Federation 

Sergey Vadimovich Revunov 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Ecology Technology and Nature Use, Novocherkassk Engineering and Melioration Institute named after A.K. Kortunov, Branch of the Don State Agrarian University 

Pushkinskaya St., 111, 346400 Novocherkassk, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the directions of the efficiency growth of the functioning of specially protected natural areas under the conditions of a sustainable development. The sources of information for the preparation of the article are normative legal acts of the federal, regional and local levels regulating the use of natural resources in general, and the creation and operation of specially protected natural areas, in particular, as well as scientific research related to the development of ecological tourism. The subject of the study are the economic interrelations arising at the micro- and mesoeconomic level due to the establishment and functioning of protected natural areas. The aim of the research is to find a mechanism for balancing public and business interests in the sphere of nature management at the micro and mesoeconomic levels, taking into account both the requirements of economic development and the public’s request for an environment of appropriate quality. The method of investigation consists in a systematic analysis of the current regulatory and legal and organizational and economic conditions for the operation of specially protected natural areas and, based on the results of this analysis, substantiating proposals aimed at increasing the socio-ecological and economic efficiency of the specially protected natural areas of regional and local values. The forecasted social and economic and ecological effects that are connected with the practical implementation of the suggestions made in the article can be expressed as the reduction of costs, terms of payback period of investment projects and programs dealing with activity in the areas of territorial localization of the specially protected natural territories, as the improvement of investment climate in the municipalities and the regions of the location of specially protected natural areas, creation of new jobs within specially protected natural areas, growth of tax receipts of the budgetary system, conservation of biological diversity, improvement of the quality of the environment in the region of the location of natural territories. 

Key words: environmental economics, specially protected natural area, socio-ecological and economic effect, ecological tourism, sustainable development, state regulation, region, municipality, local government, subject of Federation. 
