Tatarintsev M.E., Yurchenko K.G. Social code of the region as a guarantee of the targeted state social assistance and support

Mikhail Evgenyevich Tatarintsev 

Auditor of the Control and Auditing Chamber of the Volgograd region 

Raboche-Krestyanskaya St., 30, 400074 Volgograd, Russian Federation 

Karine Grigoryevna Yurchenko 

Senior inspector of the Inspection for Controlling the Expenditures for Healthcare, Employment, Social Policy and Sports of the Control and Auditing Chamber of the Volgograd region 

Raboche-Krestyanskaya St., 30, 400074 Volgograd, Russian Federation 

Abstract. According to the results of the auditing conducted by the Control and Auditing Chamber of the Volgograd Region in 2015, it was found that the system of the government social assistance for the population of the Volgograd region is characterized by a significant share of the costs of measures provided regardless of the recipient’s income level, as well as the presence of duplicate and ineffective measures. These results contributed to the introduction of the Social Code in the region, which introduced the principles of targeting and needs, which, in its turn, allowed redistributing previously formed reserves in favor of the most socially vulnerable categories of citizens. The adoption of the Social Code has made it possible to change the system of the government social assistance (support) of the population in the region, its structure, to apply fundamentally new approaches to the appointment of social due benefits, to establish common principles for the appointment of measures, which ultimately allowed to increase the effectiveness of social support for the citizens of the Volgograd region. The article is devoted to a detailed comparative analysis of the expenditures of the regional budget and the number of recipients in the context of measures of the government social assistance and support which were significantly affected by the adoption of the Social Code, and the essence of the change was also disclosed. This article also provides the information on changes in the part of accepting new types of social assistance and support, introducing new categories of recipients and increasing the size of payments in those areas which are considered to be strategic priorities. The expected economic effect from the introduction of the Social Code is calculated in the article and it makes up 2.2 billion rubles for year 2017. 

Key words: social code, state social assistance, measures of social support of citizens, targeting of social benefits, principle of need, optimization of budget expenditures, budget reserves, increase of efficiency of budget expenditures, audit, control and auditing chamber. 

ATTACHMENTS: /6_Tatarintsev_Yurchenko.pmd.pdf