Kazakov M.Yu., Mitrofanova I.V. Updating the methodical approaches to spatial and economic analysis of the economic complex of the region of agrarian-industrial type

Mikhail Yuryevich Kazakov 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Economics and Foreign Economic Activity, North Caucasian Federal University 


Pushkina St., 1, 355000 Stavropol, Russian Federation 

Inna Vasilyevna Mitrofanova 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Leading Scientific Researcher, Laboratory of Regional Economics, Federal Research Center, Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Рrosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation; Professor, Department of Economic Theory, World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University 


Рrosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The relevance of the research is determined by a careful attention of federal authorities of the Russian Federation to the issues and problems of the spatial development of territories within an integrated social and economic paradigm. The article presents the analytical approach to spatial and economic diagnostics of the regional economic environment. The demarcation indices of the spatial and economic analysis are identified. They allow specifying the target components and directions of the use of the results of the used approach. The difference of the component and morphological structure of the spatial analysis from spatial and economic in part of the parameter content and the interpretation value from the point of view of the economic constituent is shown. The author’s approach includes six main blocks with a list of specified indicators which characterize the spatial and economic position of the region. Every block is developed taking into account the specificity of agrarian and industrial specificity of a territory. In the course of the creation of a list of the indices the author used a wide empirical material of the joint spheres of scientific research. The designated approach is directed to identification of dynamic changes of the spatial organization of the territory taking into account the economic capacity of the region. The authors have made an attempt to diagnose the problem with the help of the most capacious structure of indicators in various areas. The analysis is carried out using as the example the industrial and agrarian region of the South of Russia. The results are proved from the point of view of spatial characteristics and economic determinants. This approach allows revealing the problem components of the environment and also points of growth and development of the regional economy. 

Key words: regional economy, spatial and economic analysis, development of the territory, functionality, quality of life, transport infrastructure, innovation, financial and enterprise analysis 

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