Mishulina S.I., Bondarenko T.I. Methodological support of strategic planning greening

Svetlana Ivanovna Mishulina 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher, Regional Economics Laboratory, Sochi Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences 


Teatral’naya St., 8A, 354000 Sochi, Russian Federation 

Tatyana Ivanovna Bondarenko 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Investment, Institute of Economics, Management and Business, Kuban State Technological University 


Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article analyses the current legal and regulatory background (laws, requirements, methodological recommendations) regulating the process of development and adjustment of socioeconomic growth strategy of the RF entities focusing on the ecological paradigm of development in the documents. It is revealed that the current requirements and methodological recommendations do not direct the subjects of strategic planning to strategies development harmonizing relations between the environment, the economy and society and are not good for shaping the environmentally friendly development policy of various spheres (human capital, priority sectors and branches of economy, basic infrastructures, innovation system, etc.) agreed upon various management levels and types of activity as well as for wide social consensus on developmental priorities and setting the stage for cooperation of the state authorities and the main stakeholders of the regional sustainable development. The recommended in methodological papers system of indicators of rational environmental management and ecological security in socio-economic growth strategies is unsystematic, fragmented, unspecific, permits numerous interpretations and subjective assessments. It is not integrated into the system indicating the development of the economy and society that avoids the very possibility to compare and coordinate the strategies of various management levels and its implementation results both horizontally and vertically. The proposals on correction of methodological recommendations for the development of socioeconomic growth strategies for the RF entities are worked out aimed at their greening and systematic solution approach to social, ecological and economic challenges. 

Key words: strategic planning, sustainable development, methodological recommendations, strategic planning greening. 

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