Inshakova E.I. Directions of correction of the strategy of nanoindustry development in the regions of Russia under the negative impact of the external environment
Elena Ivanovna Inshakova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Department of Economic Theory, World and Regional Economy, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article substantiates the need to adapt the strategy for the development of the national nanoindustry (considered in its general, broad sense, as a result of the absence of such a strategic document approved at the state level), to the current conditions of the contradictory impact of internal and external institutional, organizational, informational, technological and financial factors, including the introduction of political and economic sanctions against Russia. Such adaptation requires identifying the blocks of the mechanism for implementing the nanoindustrialization strategy and realising their adequate correction, taking into account the imperatives and priorities of innovative development of the Russian regions economy and increasing their competitiveness. The strategy for developing the nanoindustry of the Russian Federation can become a justified “response” to challenges and threats to the socio-economic development of the country in transition to a new technological mode. Main directions of correction of the nanoindustry development strategy in the regions of Russia are determined on the basis of theoretical modeling the mechanism for its implementation, including improving its subjects and objects, methods and tools, sources and channels of the necessary funds for nanoindustrialization of the regional economic systems. A conclusion is drawn on the need to achieve the effectiveness of the interaction between state institutes for developing the nanoindustry of the RF and strategic national investors. The increased participation of Russian investors in the implementation of Rusnano nanotechnological projects is becoming a positive factor in creating innovative infrastructure for Russian nanoindustry, including regional and interregional nanotechnology clusters.
Key words: nanoindustry, nanoindustrialization of the regional economic systems, nanoindustry development strategy, mechanism of a strategy realization, regional innovative policy, nanotechnology cluster.
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