Barakova A.S. Analysis of the conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the Volgograd region

Anna Sergeevna Barakova 

Student of the Institute of Economy and Finances, Volgograd State University, Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation; Student of the University of Colоgne 

Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Köln, Germany 

Abstract. According to the results of the comparative analysis, it is noted that the socioeconomic conditions of the Volgograd region do not and do not contribute to a breakthrough in the development of entrepreneurship, there is a decrease in both the labor and consumer potential of the region, which is defined as the totality of resources, stocks, sources that are available and can be mobilized, put into action, used to achieve the goal. Among the systemic problems hampering the development of entrepreneurship in the region are: inaccessibility of credit resources, overestimated rent of land, changing the rules for the registration of legal entities, increasing the overall economic burden on entrepreneurs, problems with networkers, land relations, problems in trade and transport and etc. The priority direction for the Volgograd region, due to not the best socio-economic conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activities, is the diversification of the economy and the region, as well as the development and implementation of measures of the state of regional economic policy in order to reduce the risks of entrepreneurship. 

Key words: regional economy, entrepreneurship, investments, entrepreneurial risks, diversification. 

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