Cheremisina S.G., Skranik S.S. Concept of effective implementation and development of labour potential of the Crimea
Svetlana Georgievna Cheremisina
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Docent, Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadskiy
Рrosp. Akademika Vernadskogo, 4, 295007 Simferopol, Russian Federation
Stanislava Stepanovna Skaranik
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic Theory, Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadskiy
Рrosp. Akademika Vernadskogo, 4, 295007 Simferopol, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article analyzes the problems and prospects of the development of the labour potential of the Crimean Republic. The concept of effective realization and development of the labour potential of the Crimea in the context of the socio-economic policy of the state is studied, its basic stages are defined. The methodical aspects researching the state and study of the prospects for the development of labour potential are analyzed, and methods for its evaluation are systematized. The authors carried out the characterization of the conditions of formation and realization of labour potential in the Republic of Crimea. The factors that have the most destructive impact on the efficiency of formation and realization of labour potential of the Crimea are defined. The main problems, indicating an ineffective implementation of the labour potential of the Republic are identified. They are quantitative and qualitative mismatch of labour force to the real needs of industrial production and the problem of inter-sectoral differentiation of average monthly wage. It is proved that the labour potential taking into account territorial differentiation of regions of the Russian Federation is expected to be studied from the point of view of subordination and interdependence with subjects and means of influence and regulation. The mechanism of the state support of the processes of formation and development of labour potential of the Crimea is analyzed in details. The authors have proved the need for a synergistic approach to solving the problems of strategic development of labour potential in connection with large-scale institutional and organizational-economic transformations in the Republic of Crimea due to geopolitical factors. The structural elements of the integral effect of the model of development of labour potential, the mechanism of their calculation are studied and described. The authors have justified realistic, optimistic and innovative scenary forecast of development of labour potential of the Crimea in the context of a developed and adopted strategy of development of socio-economic potential of the Crimea. It is generalized that the solution of the problem of coherence of supply and demand of specialists and representatives of working professions is possible only with the coordination of socio-economic, financial and demographic policy.
Key words: labour potential, efficiency of realization of labour potential, socio-economic policy, labour market, integrated-synergistic approach.
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