Patrakeeva O.Yu. Assessment of the impact of transport infrastructure on social and economic development of the South of Russia
Olga Yurievna Patrakeeva
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Scientific Researcher, Federal Research Centre, Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Prosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Abstract. The importance of the assessment of large scale transport projects on the development of Russian regions is growing due to a high wear and tear of the available infrastructure and also due to the necessity of the creation of new infrastructural objects capable of becoming a powerful impulse to the development of the regions which it encircles. The article studies the indices characterizing the development of the transport infrastructure of the southern regions. The perspective directions of its improvement are shown. The results of numerous researches devoted to the problem of the assessment of macroeconomic results and effects of the development of transport net in the encouragement of the economic growth are very often contradictive. When constructing estimation models it is necessary to take into account the specificity of the territories under analysis, volume of available statistical data, period of research (short term, middle term, long term). The study of the importance of the influence of the infrastructure on the economic development of the regions requires the assessment of various factors and complicated relations between them within the regional social and economic system, use of methods of the system analysis and the tools of the economic and mathematic modeling. In the paper with the use of the econometric methods of estimation some important indices influencing the economic growth of the southern regions are found. They are in particular the density of the railroad mains and car roads. The obtained results prove that for the regions of the Southern Federal District in contrast to the regions of the North Caucasian Federal District the development of railroads and car road infrastructure in general has a positive impact on the economic development. The further research will be directed on the development of economic and mathematical models allowing taking into account also other aspects of the transport infrastructure in particular spatial factors.
Key words: infrastructure, investment, transport projects, southern regions, economic effects, model.
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