Mihály N., Komáromi N., Bruder E. Demographic and socio-psychological effects in judging the minimal and ideal standard of living

Nikolett Mihály 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Business of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent Istvan University 


Páter Károly St., 1, H-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary 

Nándor Komáromi 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Leading Scientific Researcher, Institute of Business of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent Istvan University 


Páter Károly St., 1, H-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary 

Emese Bruder 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Economics, Law and Methodology, Szent Istvan University 


Páter Károly St., 1, H-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary 

Abstract. The EU carried out research on 26 member states in which comparative indicators on the standard of living were created [16]. This qualitative research served as the basis of our paper as it was suggested that the social and economic situation of the respondents had had a significant impact on the issue of what “minimally acceptable” and “affordable” is by a nation in terms of certain goods and services. Accordingly, the consumer baskets created this way do not necessarily reflect what the required and inevitable minimum standard of living in the given society is (one of the objectives of the research was to define this). As a matter of fact, setting and achieving the desirable, minimal or satisfactory standard of living depend on a lot of factors. In our opinion demographical characteristics are important but the individual’s personality traits, psychological impacts and socio-cultural background are also as important as they are. Our paper reviews the research results on the topic and presents empirical research carried out with women. According to our findings the ideas and expectations for the standard of living in the future – let it be the minimum or the desirable maximum – are significantly influenced by the demographical features and the identity of the individual. The strongest influence was made by age. This draws attention to the fact when people are asked about their ideas and desires on making a living (and, accordingly, certain propositions are made on pricing modifications – e.g. by tax reduction), a wider range is worth to be examined. 

Key words: living standard, financial consciousness, demographic differences, socialpsychological effect, identity, budget. 

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