Yusupova I.V. Strategies of social and economic development of municipal areas until 2030: analysis of the experience of Tatarstan
Irina Valeryevna Yusupova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department of Strategic Development, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan
Moskovskaya St., 55, 420021 Kazan, Russian Federation
Abstract. The need to analyze and structure the content of the strategies of the municipal regions of the Republic of Tatarstan, developed in 2016 by a single methodology, taking into account the experience of developing a strategy for socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan until 2030, due to the complexity and complexity of the process of systematic strategic planning of all levels of the regional hierarchy in the absence of similar experience of other Russian regions. The author notes that the key factor distinguishing the Republic of Tatarstan from the majority of Russian regions is the formation of an independent position on the priorities and mechanisms of national development through the prism of socio-economic development of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan with extensive use of advanced development tools: special economic zones, TOSER, industrial parks, investment parks, industrial sites. When building a municipal system of strategic planning, determining its principles, strategic guidelines, structure of plans, methods of planning organization, the Republic of Tatarstan focused both on its own extensive experience in planning and forecasting socio-economic processes, and on the experience of foreign countries. In particular, much attention was paid to the public work on the document, as well as to the active dialogue on the future between the population, business and local authorities. The basis for the planning and organization of bodies of state power of the Republic was based on such principles of strategic planning as a participatory, or participatory planning, as well as the principles of comprehensiveness, purposefulness and efficiency, which is especially evident in the development strategies of the municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan, since the work on strategic sessions of the show and convinced the representatives of the local authorities that the socio-economic development of territories is impossible without close cooperation of government, business and residents – the main stakeholders in the process of developing municipal development strategies.
Key words: municipal strategies, strategic planning, strategic principles, competitive advantages, the Republic of Tatarstan.
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