Makarova E.V. Strategies that changed cities: Kazan experience

Elena Vladimirovna Makarova 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Management, Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University 

Kremlin St., 6/20, 420111 Kazan, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article analyzes the experience of strategic management of the development of the city of Kazan. The approaches applied to the development of the first and second strategies for social and economic development of the city are considered. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the first strategy for the development of Kazan until 2015 acted as a key factor that enabled the city to make qualitative social, economic and managerial changes in a short time. The situation of the city before and after the adoption of the development strategy is compared. The emphasis is on the interdependence and continuity of the second urban development strategy and the Development Strategy of the Republic of Tatarstan until 2030. The target targets and the strategic vision of the city by 2030 are examined in detail. The choice of priority scenarios for the development of Kazan is justified. It is noted the need to use a key tool for implementing the strategy - “image projects”. The contents of four “image projects” of the Kazan Development Strategy until 2030 are disclosed. Successful experience of including young people and the population in the strategy development process is presented. As an important condition for the successful implementation of the strategy, the introduction of a special educational program for upgrading the skills of state and municipal employees at the level of the republic as a whole is indicated. The presence of the strategy allows the city to adapt more quickly to rapidly changing external conditions, to introduce new tools and management mechanisms into the practice of municipal authorities. 

Key words: strategic planning, strategic management, development, city economy, urban management, project approach.

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