Zigern-Korn N.V., Pribyshin T.K. Strategy of the development of the Republic North Ossetia-Alania: necessity and opportunity of use of the regime of the territory of a special organizational and legal status

Nataliya Vsevolodovna Zigern-Korn 

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Chair of Country Studies & International Tourism, Saint-Petersburg State University 


10th line, 33–35, 199178 Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation 

Taras Kirillovich Pribyshin 

Researcher, International Center of Social and Economic Researches “Leontyevsky center” 


7-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 25A, 190005 Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article presents the results of an estimation of an opportunity of creation and functioning of a territory with a special organizational and legal economic status in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. At the moment, Russia envisages the creation of such regimes as: special economic zones, territorial development zones and territories of advanced social and economic development. Regional authorities face the choice of specific types and preferences that will apply in such zones, and also determine their localization within the borders of the subjects of the federation. The article describes the unsuccessful experience of using the special status of the territory in the Republic, such as the creation of the region of intensive economic development “Ossetia” and the “Mamison” SEZ. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended to create a zone of territorial development within the territory of the republic within the city of Vladikavkaz, Prigorodny and Pravoberezhny districts. This territory should promote overcoming of negative tendencies in economy and in social sphere at the expense of development of processing manufacture, manufacture of the electric power, transport and logistics, tourist recreational complexes. 

Key words: regional policy, regional development, public and municipal administration, special economic zones, zones of territorial development, territory of the advancing social and economic development, development of territories, territories of special status. 

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