Lipina S.A., Belyaevskaya-Plotnik L.A., Sorokina N.Yu. Strategic planning in Russia: opportunity and necessity of the application of foreign experience

Svetlana Arturovna Lipina 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of Office “World Ocean and Arctic”, Deputy Chairman of Council for Studying of Productive Forces of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Vavilova St., 7, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation; Head of Laboratory, The Higher School of Public Administration, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration 

Prosp. Vernadskogo, 82, bld. 9, 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Lyubov Aleksandrona Belyaevskaya-Plotnik 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Crisis Management and Finance, Institute of Economy and Crisis Management; Vavilov St., 53, bld. 3, 117312 Moscow, Russian Federation; Senior Research Associate of Office “World Ocean and Arctic”, Council for Studying of Productive Forces of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; 

Vavilov St., 7, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Natalya Yuryevna Sorokina 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of National and Regional Economics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyannyi per., 36, 115093 Moscow, Russian Federation; Research Associate of Office “World Ocean and Arctic”, Council for Studying of Productive Forces of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation 

Vavilov St., 7, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Abstract. Experience of strategic planning in the system of public administration of the advanced countries is generalized, opportunities are estimated and conditions of its application in the Russian Federation are concretized. As an object of a research the systems of strategic planning of the USA, France and Japan which are flexibly combining the state central planning and mechanisms of market self-regulation in the course of providing conditions of sustainable social and economic development are chosen. It is proved that a condition of creation of effective system of strategic planning is involvement in process of her creation of all key interested parties, first of all, of business community and the population represented by bodies of the regional power and management. Positive experience of strategic planning of the USSR and the developed foreign countries demonstrates that the most important institutional prerequisite of successful implementation of strategic programs and plans is the strong role of the state in economy. It is proved that the effectiveness of strategic plans is significantly higher in those countries where the state has created the specialized (profile) institutes responsible for development and implementation of documents of strategic planning. Creation of such institutes, as a rule, became the first step of the leaders of the countries which have made the decision on formation of national system of strategic planning. It is reasoned that the effective system of the state strategic planning has to not only provide goal-setting and concretize the directions of social and economic development, but also determine the major key parameters budgetary, structural and regional the politician of the state, covering nation-wide, regional and municipal levels of management. One of the most important problems of system of strategic planning in the Russian Federation has designated lack of the transparent mechanism of formation of system of the reporting on implementation of documents of strategic planning at all levels of system of the public and municipal administration, first of all, at the federal level. 

Key words: strategy, strategic planning, foreign experience, interested parties, institutes, monitoring. 

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