Pazdnikova N.P., Rasumov V.Sh. Programming of the strategic development of Russian regions: experience and adaptation

Natalia Pavlovna Pazdnikova 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Perm National Research Polytechnical University 

Prosp. Komsomolskiy, 29, 614990 Perm, Russian Federation 

Valid Shamanovich Rasumov 

Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Public Administration, Chechen State University 

A. Sheripov St., 32, 364024 Grozny, Russian Federation 


The article discusses the introduction of empirical research methods into the practice of regional authorities. The main idea of the article is to show possible methods of monitoring the processes of programming of the strategic development of Russian regions. On the basis of the empirical study of the existing practice of programming the strategic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the article proposes an algorithm for a scientific observation with the fixation of the results obtained. In the author’s analysis a special emphasis is placed on the indicators of the quantity and the quality of programming which affects the efficiency in the strategic development of the regions as a whole. The list of the assessment indicators is specified, the analysis of dynamic coefficient is made and the evaluation of the programming process is given. The author puts forward the hypothesis that the indicators of the strategic development of regions anticipate the programming indicators of the Russian Federation. The experience of the adaptation of a “new type” of programs of the triad of the “nation – macroregion – region” is shown on the basis of the statistical analysis of the program-target planning. Using the results of the empirical study of the Russian Federation in the whole, the Volga Federal District, Perm Krai an attempt was made to assess the efficiency and the effectiveness of the implementation of the governmental programs of the Russian Federation and the governmental programs of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Two blocks fell under the zone of serious problems: the poor quality of program planning and the inconsistency of budgetary and strategic planning. To solve the problems identified four groups of measures were proposed as recommendations. The main conclusions of the author prove that the management of public resources in the regions today requires the application of new, better governance mechanisms, one of which is the program-target planning for the strategic development. 

Key words: programming, strategic development, state program, region, study, budget planning, public resources, efficiency, effectiveness. 

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