Lipina S.A., Smirnova O.O. Innovations as a driver of a secure economic growth at macro- and mesolevels of the national economic system

Svetlana Arturovna Lipina 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of Laboratory, The Higher School of Public Administration, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Prosp. Vernadskogo, 82, corp. 9, 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation; Director of the Center of Strategic Management and Spatial Development, Council for Studying of Productive Forces of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation 

Vavilova St., 7, 117312 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Olga Olegovna Smirnova 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of Office of Macroeconomic Forecasting, Strategic Planning and Spatial Development, Council for Studying of Productive Forces of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Vavilova St., 7, 117312 Moscow, Russian Federation; Leading researcher of the Higher School of Public Administration, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration 

Prosp. Vernadskogo, 82, corp. 9, 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation 


Today the innovation can be seen as a major support to enhancing the competitiveness of the economy, GDP growth, and as a consequence and as a contribution to the economic security of the country. With the decline of traditional growth factors under the influence of a new wave of technological changes the role of a single innovative cycle including the basic and applied research, investments in innovation, the susceptibility of the economy to the technical and technological innovation, bolstering the high-tech industries is strengthened. The article provides the analysis of the main challenges and threats to the economic security of the state, reveals the basic directions and tasks of the state policy in the sphere of ensuring the economic security in the innovative development including the South of Russia. It is stressed that the intensification of investment processes is crucial for increasing the share of innovative products and the formation of an innovative model of the economy of the region and at the same time the development of the program of the innovative development requires a clear positioning of the region according to the existing potential for the innovation that may also be used in the selection of events at the district level within the program. It is concluded that the main problems of the state scientific and innovative policy of Russia are the inconsistency of the policy, the inability to formulate and to implement the research and innovation priorities, and that the decline in the public funding of the science to the level of small countries in the Western Europe have not led to an increase in the efficiency of the public spending and to progressive changes in the structure of priorities. The study of the international experience of the development of scientific and innovation activities gave the authors the opportunity to offer the evidence-based suggestions for the solution of problems of the innovative development of the country in general and in the regions of Russia. 

Key words: state policy, strategic planning, innovations, economic security, national priorities, calls, threats, South of Russia. 

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