Inshakov O.V., Inshakova E.I. Cluster development of the Russian nanoindustry as a strategic component of smart specialization of the regions

Oleg Vasilyevich Inshakov 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the RF, Director of Scientific Research Institute of Social and Economic Development of the Region at Volgograd State University 

Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation 

Elena Ivanovna Inshakova 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Department of Economic Theory, World and Regional Economy, Volgograd State University 

rosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation 


The article substantiates the need to create and effectively operate clusters in nanoindustry of the Russian regions, which become strategic components of their smart specialization, strengthening their national and international competitiveness. Modern dynamics of cluster development of Russia’s economy, including nanoindustry, is characterized. Spatial, organizational and economic incompleteness of formation of the Russian nanoindustry cluster structure, and significant differentiation of regions in terms of involvement in nanoindustry clusterization processes is underlined. Among the main reasons for this situation, the authors distinguish the difference in innovative and industrial potentials of the regions, disproportionality of development and allocation of the elements of basic structure and infrastructure of nanoindustry in the regions, asynchrony of their inclusion in the innovative modernization of regional economy, including the use of nanotechnology, and asymmetry of the results achieved. On the example of the EU countries’ experience, the authors argue the expediency of implementing the basic principles of the concept of smart specialization of regions (cluster initiative formation from the bottom; determining the region’s competitive advantages in nanoindustry sphere; wide involvement of entrepreneurial, research and educational structures of the region to development of regional specialization strategy; mobilization and concentration of resources on several most promising areas of innovation in nanoindustry; achievement of a high level of cooperation between the participants in nanotechnology cluster, as well as the interregional and international cooperation) in the cluster development of nanoindustry that create the favorable environment for effective functioning national and international clusters in nanoindustry of the Russian regions. 

Key words: nanoindustry, innovative modernization of economy, cluster, nanotechnology cluster, cluster policy, smart specialization of a region. 

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