Dvoryadkina E.B., Kaibicheva E.I. Urban peripheral districts under the conditions of new industrialization: possibilities of statistical evaluation

Elena Borisovna Dvoryadkina
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Regional, Municipal Economics and Management, Ural State University of Economics
8 Marta/Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45, 620144 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Ekaterina Igorevna Kaibicheva
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Regional, Municipal Economics and Management, Ural State University of Economics
8 Marta/Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45, 620144 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. The conditions for a new industrialization imply a prompt decision-making by the authorities of peripheral urban districts. The most important role here is assigned to municipal statistics. The article analyzes the methodological problems concerning the peculiarities of the statistical accounting and the analysis of the economy of peripheral urban districts under the conditions of a new industrialization. The purpose of the article is to develop a system of indicators characterizing the economy of urban peripheral districts under the conditions of a new industrialization. The analysis of the existing municipal statistical system is carried out. The methodological problems of the development of statistical indices in peripheral municipal districts are determined. It is proved that under the conditions of the new industrialization where peripheral urban districts are found, an improvement of municipal statistics in terms of including new indicators of the industrial, innovative and technological development of the territories is needed. The basic directions of the improvement of the system of municipal statistics are singled out. The number of the indices in every suggested direction characterizing the economy of peripheral city districts under the conditions of a new industrialization is developed. The peculiarity of the offered indicators is their use for the creation of the existing information base collected by the Federal State Statistics Service within the federal statistical survey what allows reducing the terms of the development of the indices, allows cutting costs of the federal budget, allows avoiding extra work of the respondents and the bodies of the state statistics. The authors particularly emphasize that the improvement of municipal statistics should be accompanied by appropriate changes in the current legislation. In particular the results of the authors’ analysis of the conceptual apparatus and the methodology for the delimitation of peripheral areas allow making the conclusion of the necessity of legislative consolidation of the concept of “peripheral urban district”.

Key words: periphery, peripheral urban district, new industrialization, municipal statistics, regional economy.

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