Orekhova E.A., Plyakin A.V. Structure of security of social and economic development of municipalities: experience of spatial analysis

Elena Anatolyevna Orekhova 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of economic theory, mathematics and informational systems, Volzhsky Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law 


Sovetskaya St., 6, 404111 Volzhsky, Russian Federation 

 Alexander Valentinovich Plyakin 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of management, Volzhsky Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law 


Sovetskaya St., 6, 404111 Volzhsky, Russian Federation 

 Abstract. The article discusses the spatial regularities of social and economic development of municipal communities of the Volgograd region. Small and medium sized cities in the paper are analyzed as spatial social and economic systems which are not only a skeleton of settlement but also the main “engines” of the communication of innovative impulses into the territory of municipal districts. The scientific originality of the research consists in the attempt to use a spatial approach to the assessment of the economic security of municipal communities (SCR). The content of the economic security is determined by two system characteristics of the social and economic system: economic activity (EA) and the life standard of the population (QL) when the function SCR = F(EA; QL) is valid. For the search of spatial regularities in GIS a considerable interest has the analysis of the environment of every municipal district or the city or a complex of nearby regions or cities by means of the calculation of local statistic characteristics of geo variation allowing to assess the tendencies of the spatial changes of six components of the security (personal security, technosphere security and so on), local variations and values of their indicators Ki. To the full extent the solution of these tasks can be realized by means of the instrument of the analysis of spatial data in ARCGIS maps or polygons of Voronoy. The spatial approach allowed implementing an integral assessment of the level of the economic security and to assess the security risks in municipal districts. The calculation of the integral index of the economic security (КSCR) is made taking into account the results of the assessment of six types of security. The condition of the economic security and municipal districts in the Volgorad region can be characterized as a changeable one at the level inconsiderably higher than average of the region with two centers of the increased level of the economic security in the North west (Uruypinsk-Novoanninsky) and in the east of the region (Pallasovka, Nikolaevsk, Leninsk). 

Key words: municipal district, small city (town), middle city, social and economic development, economic security, risk assessment, spatial analysis, GIS system, maps (polygons) of Voronoy. 

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