Melnikova N.S. Strategy of the development of health care in the Astrakhan region: results and prospects

Natalya Sergeevna Melnikova 

Assistant Lecturer, Department of world economics and finance, Astrakhan State University 

Tatiсhsheva St., 20a, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation 

 Abstract. The article presents the analysis of the results of the development of the health care shpere of the Astrakhan region for year 2016 as one of the most important areas of the regional functioning according to the goals of the strategic planning in the Russian region under analysis. The authors pay attention to basic tasks and priority direction of the development of the health care in the region. The author draws attention to the peculiarities and the volume of financing of this sphere from the budget of the Astrakhan region. It is mentioned that in the system of the expenses of the regional budget the health care occupies the third place after the education and the social sphere allocations. It is proved that the results of latest changes in the sphere of health care of the Astrakhan region have a positive dynamics and find its reflection in the medical and demographic situation during the last decade. The main content and the results of the implementation of the governmental project “Development of the health care in the Astrakhan region” in 2016 is analyzed. In particular the main tasks of the given document and the indicators whose achievement is expected to be realized are studied. The sub programs of the given strategic document are enumerated. The positive shifts in the development of the health care system of the Astrakhan region are noted. However taking into consideration the mentioned positive tendencies, the insufficiency of the governmental financing of the health care system in comparison with corresponding indicators in the European countries is shown. The expenses for the health care in Russia make up today an insignificant share from the GDP of the country. The article presents the prospects of the development of this sphere and the competitive mechanisms that will contribute to the increase of the accessibility and quality growth of the medical care delivered within the program of governmental guarantees of the Astrakhan region. 

Key words: region, health care, financing, expenses, social and economic development, government program, scenarios. 

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