Aliev J.K. Partnership of power authorities and business as an instrument of the regional investment strategy

Jamil Kamil ogly Aliev 

Postgraduate Student, Department of finance and prices, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 

Stremyanny line, 36, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article analyses the role of public-private partnership (PPP) in the promotion of investment processes in the economy of Russian regions. The paper defines a wide range of conditions, under which PPP can be an effective instrument of overcoming investment recession in the regions, diversification of investments and their orientation towards the growth of industrial production. First of all, it’s the integration of PPP practice and its “investment burden” into the strategies of the socioeconomic development of the subjects of Federation. Further, the focus is made on the harmonization of PPP practice with the efforts aimed to improve the investment attractiveness of separate regions and also with the choice of those kinds of partnerships which best of all meet specifics of socioeconomic conditions of a particular region. The article proves the need to strengthen the financial-economic base ensuring regional participation in PPP projects, the need to use different kinds of regional “institutions of development” for the adequate financial, property, information, personnel and other support to the regional PPP projects. 

Key words: state-private partnership, regional economy, strategic planning, investments, financial provision, “institutions of development”. 

Attachments: /Aliev.pdf