Malikov R.I., Grishin K.E. Diagnostic parameters of administrative control of business in the region: innovative approaches and tools

Rustam Ilkamovich Malikov 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of economics and management, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University 

Kosmonavtov St., 1, 450062 Ufa, Russian Federation 

Konstantin Evgenievich Grishin 

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of economics and management, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University 

Kosmonavtov St., 1, 450062 Ufa, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article discusses the theoretical issues of the mechanisms formation of the administrative regulation of business entities. The innovative approaches are based. The applied tools of design and development of the business environment capable of making an encouraging impact on the growth of the entrepreneurial and investment activity in Russian regions and municipalities is suggested. It is proved that the differentiation of the regions according to the conditions of the business making in a formally similar institutional space is explained by spatial specific features of the institutional configuration of the regional business environment. The conclusion is made that one of the key indicators of the efficiency of the institutional configuration of the business environment is the indicator of the administrative pressure on the entrepreneurs. It is determined that in the system of the administrative regulation of the entrepreneurship the isolation of two types of targeted impact of authorities on the economic activity of business structures i.e. administrative pressure and administrative assistance is considered to be reasonable. The hypothesis is made that in practice in the conditions of high costs for the implementation of all the complex of requirements of the administrative regulation and the sanctions for the violation of these requirements the prerequisites for the creation of the instruments of an informal interaction of business and the representatives of control and supervision bodies arises. By means of these personal relationships businessmen try to minimize their costs connected with the implementation of formalized administrative requirements, norms and rules. The mathematic model of the assessment of the informal interaction of the entrepreneurs with some public officials of the control and supervision bodies allowing to determine the diapason of the advantages of economic actors from the escape of the implementation of administrative norms, requirements and regulations is suggested. The instrumentarium allowing to calculate the parameters of the increase of legal business activity at the decrease of the level of the informal impact of authorities on the entrepreneurs and these instruments allow creating and optimal model of the governmental regulation of the entrepreneurial activity in a region is described. According to the author’s opinion the economic basis of the reproduction of informal relations is made by means of a high level of the costs of the entrepreneurs for the implementation of formal administrative requirements, norms and regulations determining a reciprocal profitability for businessmen and a part of public official using different schemes of an informal interaction. 

Key words: administrative regulation, institutional configuration of the regional business environment, business entities, business, administrative costs, informal interaction, administrative burden, business environment, power structures, control and surveillance activities, excessive formal administrative requirements. 

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