Pazdnikova N.P., Osipova M.Yu. Strategic tools for sustainability management of the regional system

Natalya Pavlovna Pazdnikova 

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Research Associate, Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Finance, Perm National Research Polytechnic University 

Komsomolsky Prosp., 29, 614990 Perm, Russian Federation 

Maria Yuryevna Osipova 

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Economics and Finance, Perm National Research Polytechnic University 

Komsomolsky Prosp., 29, 614990 Perm, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article deals with the practical application of strategic management tools for a sustainable development of the region. The main idea of the article is to show the possible methods of management of socio-ecological-economic systems and current trends and modeling in the strategic planning of the economy. On the basis of the study of existing scientific approaches to the essence of sustainable development in relation to the regional system, in the article it is suggested to clarify the concept of “sustainable development in the region.” In the author’s interpretation of sustainable development of the region a special emphasis is made on the processes of both positive and negative changes. The sustainable development provides a system of ecological and socio-economic balance and improves the quality of life in the region as a whole. The issues of a regulatory reform of the state and municipal finance, management simulation conditions specified for a sustainable development of the region within the framework of the development strategy are specified. The stages of modeling of a sustainable development of a region within the Strategy of the development of a territory are specified. The stages of a sustainable development and problems with which it is possible to face at the development of managerial solutions are displayed. The article is relevant for the administration of regional and local importance, business and public organizations. The main conclusions of the authors showed that today the management of public resources in the regions requires the use of new, better control mechanisms, one of which is the strategic management. 

Key words: regional system of stability, strategy, tools, managemenr, social, ecological and economic system, strategic management, efficiency. 

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