Trilitskaya O.Yu., Belyaev A.A. Enterprises of chemical industry in the Volgograd region: system risks and conditions of development

Oksana Yurievna Trilitskaya
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Management, Volgograd State University,
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Alexander Andreevich Belyaev
Graduate Student, Department of World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University,
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

In the article the causes of the emergence of systematic risks in the city forming enterprises of the chemical complex of the Volgograd region are analyzed. The shutdown of the leading enterprise “Khimprom” was due to an inefficient management, high power consumption, use of old technologies, chronicle lack of working assets, growth of the share of the semi fixed costs in the structure of the costs of production, constant growth of the costs of the working enterprises, growth of indebtedness, tax in arrears, fines. During several years the enterprise constantly used to make losses, to pile overdue liability to the power suppliers. This situation led to the initiation of proceedings of the bankruptcy against this enterprise, to the organization of the procedure of the competition management. Before the mentioned problems the enterprise controlled about one half of the market of some types of products. The enterprise “Kaustik” is the largest enterprise in the chemical production of the products of the industrial and technical use not only in the region but also in the chemical industry in the whole. Although the enterprise is economically viable, the organizational structure is not fully adjusted to new market conditions. The problems with the sales of goods due to the absence of the efficient marketing service arise from time to time. In the article the suggestions of the creation in the region of a chemical cluster that will allow adjusting the model of the supply and sales activity, will provide the access to the retail market of the energy, will improve the pattern of the external power supply, will introduce the energy saving technologies into the production of both traditional groups of commodities and readily marketable products being favourable in the market.
Key words: Volgograd region, chemical production, technology, profitability, prime cost, safety, risks, modernization, competitiveness, chemical cluster, synergetic effect, efficiency.

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