Ivanova T.B. Role of club institutions in the development of municipalities

Tatyana Borisovna Ivanova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Volgograd Branch of the “Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation”
Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

The author presents modern scenarios of the provision of cultural services by municipal authorities, the models used for the management of municipal cultural objects, their net organization, the exhaustion of the potential of the reduction of cultural expenses due to the centralization of club institution within the previous material base, the lagging of Russian expenses on culture per capita in comparison with European countries at a considerable regional differentiation of the visits of cultural institutions. It is based that today there are no opportunities of growth of both budgetary and non budgetary financial sources. At the same time according to the measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the realization of the state social policy in small and middle sized cities of Russia multifunctional cultural centers oriented on all social and age population groups are created. The tendency of their development becomes the provision of not only cultural but also creative and other services dealing with the self development of an individual what is shown using the statistical data of the Southern Federal District. The directions of the increase of the role of club institutions in the development of municipal communities are suggested: realization of the measures in the sphere of the patriotic work, implementation of social projects, participation in different contests, voluntary movements and so on, i.e. in all the forms of contemporary activity of population that became possible due to the creation of the internet space, social nets, video conferences.
Key words: club institutions, models of management of municipal objects of culture, multipurpose cultural centers, financing of cultural institutions, creativity, motivational mass actions, social business, territorial authorities of self-government, non-state commercial organizations.
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