Potemkin S.A., Larina T.A., Lomakina S.A. Purchasing activity of the Russian banks with the state participation: scales, priorities, directions

Sergey Anatolievich Potemkin
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Analytical Division, Department of Examination, Methodology and Control Procurement, Central Bank of Russian Federation
Neglinnaya St., 12, 107016 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tatiana Anatolievna Larina
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Chief Expert of Analytical Division, Department of Examination, Methodology and Control Procurement, Central Bank of Russian Federation
Neglinnaya St., 12, 107016 Moscow, Russian Federation
Svetlana Aleksandrovna Lomakina
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Chief Expert of Analytical Division, Department of Examination, Methodology and Control Procurement, Central Bank of Russian Federation
Neglinnaya St., 12, 107016 Moscow, Russian Federation
The article displays the results of the analytical review of the purchasing activity of the banks with the state participation, carrying out procurements in accordance with the Federal Law “About Procurements of goods, works and services by some legal entities” dated 18.07.2011 № 223-FZ. The sources of the information about banks procurements became the data of the official site of the common information system in the sphere of purchases. The documents that were immediately used were the plans of procurement and provisions of the purchases of the following banks: Sberbank of Russia, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank. The study of the procurement of banks allows to identify their needs and to form an idea about the priority directions of the development. The article analyses some aspects of the procurement process on the example of banks with the state participation, which have branches in various regions of the Russian Federation. In order to identify the needs of banks the grouping of purchased products is carried out. The categories of needs of banks are displayed. They include the need for the development of technologies, the needs in infrastructure development, the requirements for the provision of work (jobs), the need for consulting services, information research, studies and research works. Using the data of this grouping the systematic data on procurement and calculations of the indicators for each Bank is gathered. The results show that after the processing, the data about the procurement can be considered as a source of the information describing organizational and technological development of banks. The role of the procurement review in the formation of the objective representation about the financial and economic activities and development banks is based. The obtained results characterize on the one hand the actual participation of banks in the procurement as customers. On the other hand, the results allow analyzing the financial position of banks taking into account the organizational and technological development.
Key words: banks with the state participation, purchases, purchasing activity, plan of purchases, requirements, resources, analytical providing, information technologies, Southern Federal District, North Caucasian Federal district.

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