Melikhov V.V., Medvedeva L.N., Frolova M.V., Moskovets M.V. Influence of biotechnologies on efficiency growth of rice cultivation in the South of Russia

Victor Vasilyevich Melikhov
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Director, All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Timiryazeva St., 9, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Lyudmila Nikolaevna Medvedeva
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Timiryazeva St., 9, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Maria Victorovna Frolova
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Timiryazeva St., 9, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Maria Vasilevna Moskovets
Senior Researcher, Department of Irrigated Melioration, All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Timiryazeva St., 9, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation

In the article the authors analyze important problems of the development of rice growing in the South of Russia. The ways of the efficiency growth of the sector of agriculture on the basis of use of biotechnologies are shown. A special attention is paid to the fact that at the rice growing it is difficult enough to solve the problem of reservoirs bloom with blue green algae belonging to lower photosynthetic plants that cause the suppression of rice culture at cultivation. As the main place of inhabitation of blue green bloom are water reservoirs with a slow water flow (rice paddies) so the getting rid of these algae is an important goal for scientists and agricultural producers. The negative role of blue and green algae is determined by the coincidence of the time of their intensive development with basic phases of the rice growing that often causes losses of plantlets, reduction of the harvest. When the blue and green algae are widely developed the agricultural producers have to discharge the water fr om rice bays that leads to considerable losses. The authors pay attention to the fact that the water needed for growing rice should be preliminary purified from mechanical and biological admixtures that on the one hand provides a rich harvest and on the other increases the costs per hectare of the grown culture. The authors suggest the technology of biological melioration of water reservoirs based on the introduction of chlorella strain into waters what allows decreasing the use of plant protecting agents. Competing with blue green algae for nutrients the chlorella strain creates the medium wh ere the further development of the blue green algae becomes possible, the minimization of the “blossoming” of water is achieved. At the same time the degree of manifestation of negative consequences connected with the biological pollution of rice bays is reduced and the quality of water is improved.
Key words: agriculture, rice growing, competitiveness, rice bays, blue-green algae, phytoplankton, “blooms” of water bodies, biotechnology, suspension of chlorella, eutrophic ponds.
