Kiseleva I.N., Grazhdankina L.Yu. Priorities and goals of the realization of the “Strategy of actions for the benefit of children” in Stavropol krai

Irina Nikolaevna Kiseleva
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Social Work, Stavropol State Medical University
Mira St., 310, 355000 Stavropol, Russian Federation
Lilianna Yurevna Grazhdankina
Candidate of Political Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Economics and Social Work, Stavropol State Medical University
Mira St., 310, 355000 Stavropol, Russian Federation

The development and the realization of “The national strategy of actions for the benefit of children” is a natural consequence of the “The national strategy of actions for the benefit of children for 2012-2017”, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation designed to provide the achievement of the existing international standards in the realization of the rights of the child, to form a common approach of public authorities of all levels, institutes of civil society in this question. In the article the main problems of children, families with children in Stavropol Krai are studied among which there are: a high threshold of incidence, social poverty, deficiency of places in preschool educational institutions, growth of dependant load on working population, teenage crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicomania; growth of social orphanhood, etc. The authors analyzed the main priorities, provisions, conditions and possibilities of the realization of such strategy in the territory of Stavropol Krai. Among the priorities of “The strategy of actions for the benefit of children”: family policy implying the help to the childhood; availability of highquality training and education, cultural development and information security of children; social health care, healthy lifestyle; equal opportunities for the children needing special care of the state, etc. The most part of the measures realized in 2016-2017 within these directions can be carried out at the expense of means of regional and municipal long-term target programs.
Key words: family policy, demography, preservation of the childhood, availability of training, cultural development, information security, health care, social orphanhood, strategy, regulation.

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