Shudrenko A.A. Analysis of innovative activity in the region: new approaches

Alexey Alexeevich Shudrenko
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of Physical Chemistry, Kuban State University
Stavropolskaya St., 149, 350040 Krasnodar, Russian Federation
In the article the development of the methodology of research of modern innovative activity in a region of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Krasnodar kray) is shown. It is proved that the traditional methodologies of the research on the macro level available today need adjustment for different levels of management. The methodological prospects of the subject oriented approach and in particular the prospects of the methodology of the construction of the infrastructural and stage matrix in two dimensional table format are assessed. The analysis of the limitation of the existing approach is made and the prospects of use of the structure and functional matrix of the system of the regulative innovative activity are studied. The idea of the complete cycle of the innovative activity on the municipal and regional levels removes restrictions from the existing approach in respect of the incompleteness of the cycle – the beginning and the end of the cycle are connected with the satisfaction of needs. It was shown that for the provision of the full cycle the logical basis is the based condition is that the beginning of the regularly innovative activity is connected indispensably with the sphere of the interests of the state authorities in all the levels, meanwhile the conclusion of a cycle is the prerogative of the business. In the suggested model of a full cycle of the innovative activity the beginning of the cycle is the availability of an individual or social need that can be measured and fixed in the documents within the corresponding function of the organs of authority and the organs of self administration. The satisfaction of the need in a maximally achievable degree as a result of the implementation of a full cycle of the innovative activity in the market economy signifies the completion of a full cycle. The author approach can find a large application in practice as it has the importance not only like the tool of theoretic research in innovation studies but also like the tool of the applied analysis of the really existing innovative infrastructure with the goal of the discovery of «weak chains» reducing the results of the innovative and investment activity in the whole on the level of the region or of the municipality.   
Key words: innovative activity, innovative environment, national innovative system, regional innovative development, philosophical and methodical analysis, life cycle, evolution, subject focused (environmental) approach, infrastructure and landmark matrix.

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