Selin V.S. The contents, features and application innovation ecology (Book review: Pavlov, K. V. Innovative ecology as a perspective scientific direction [Text] : Monograph / K. V. Pavlov. – Izhevsk : Shelest Publ., 2016. – 360 р.)

Vladimir Stepanovich Selin
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher, Institute of Economic Problems of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Fersmana St., 12A, 184200 Apatity, Russian Federation

Due to the need of the modernization and innovative development of the Russian economy and for the fastest solution of serious nature protective problems it is very important to create and to develop of a new scientific and study discipline “Innovative Ecology” that can also be a theoretical base for the modernization of ecological, environmental systems, especially of the intensive type. One of the most important problems analyzed within the innovative ecology is the problem of the research of ecological sybsystems that obligatory should be part of the national and regional innovative systems. Besides a considerable importance have the study of financial and economic mechanisms that are widely used in the system of the state and municipal regulation of innovative ecological processes. The development of basic directions of research within the frames of a new scientific and academic discipline “Innovative ecology” will allow creating optimal parameters of the use of technological processes and organizational conditions, corresponding to ecological requirements and at the same time economically efficient. The creation and the development of the new scientific and academic discipline “Innovative Ecology” has a considerable theoretical and practical importance and the application of its results in the economic practice will allow increasing considerably the ecological and economic efficiency of the system of the economic reproduction.
Key words: innovative ecology, new direction of ecology, upgrade of ecological system, innovative economy, low-waste technologies, ecological and economic disparities, system approach.

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