Biglova G.F., Amirova R.I. Use and reproduction of intellectual property in Russia: trends, specifics, regulation

Guzel Fatihovna Biglova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Science, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Prosр. Oktiabrya, 71, 450054 Ufa, Russian Federation
Regina Irekovna Amirovа
Junior Researcher, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Prosр. Oktiabrya, 71, 450054 Ufa, Russian Federation
The market of the intellectual property remains the most important element of the innovative process which formation has begun as a result of the development and the complication of production technologies and economic relations. In the article the intellectual property is analyzed in the context of its embedding into the general system of relations of production and in the course of the reproduction the weight of this sector keeps remaining insignificant. The studied problem becomes particularly important also from the point of view of the influence of the scale of use of the intellectual property in the production on labor productivity growth as a result of the introduction of new production technologies. The insignificance of relation between the innovative activity of the enterprises and the growth of the labor productivity is established. The grouping of the regions of Russia using the indicator of the effectiveness of patent dynamics which is understood as a ratio of the submitted applications and the granted patents is carried out. High and rather high values of this indicator in the prevailing majority of regions are revealed. It is established that the procedure of the administration of registration and the granting of patents is rather a qualified one, and the process of the realization of the intellectual property rights in the form of introduction of the granted domestic patents into the production remains at a low level.
Key words: innovative technology, intellectual property, innovative activity of the enterprises, patent dynamics, patent process, process of innovation, technological progress, scientific and technical sphere, labor productivity.

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