Gordienko D.V. Updating of approaches to the assessment of the level of the economic security of regions of the Far East of Russia

Dmitriy Vladimirovich Gordienko
Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Military Sciences, Professor of the Department of State Regulation of Economics of the Institute of Social Sciences, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Prosp. Vernadsky, 82, bild. 1, 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation
World financial and economic crisis and political events of the last years on the western borders of Russia made the problem of the modernization of the strategy of social and economic development important again. It means for Russia, in particular, its activization of “the Eurasian mission” in the realization of which the key positions are assigned to the Far East border regions (Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai, the Amur and Sakhalin regions). The article is devoted to the assessment of the level of economic security of these territorial subjects of the federation. The author offered and approved the technique of the assessment of the general integrated level of the economic security of the region based on the definition of values of the general rated indicator of safety of a national (regional) economic complex. Among the indicators analyzed in calculations it is offered to use the data: gross regional product, gross harvest of crops, volume of investment into fixed capital, unemployment rate, internal operating costs for researches and developments, share of innovative production in the total amount of industrial production, share of persons with the monetary income below a living wage, decile coefficient of differentiation of the income of the population and share of mechanical engineering and metal working in the total amount of industrial production. At the assessment of the level of the regional economic security also individual share of economies of the respective regions in the economic activity of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (Russian Federation), and also a ratio of regional and average Russian socio-economic indexes of the beginning of the 1990th years in some cases was analyzed. The prospects of the change of the level of the economic security of the border of the Far East regions of the Russian Federation in the medium term are studied.
Key words: economic security, border regions, integrated index, rated indicator, decile coefficient, threshold value, critical level of safety, dynamics.

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