Obyedkova L.V., Opeykina T.V. Stuff training for agricultural complex: general features and peculiarities
Larisa Viktorovna Obyedkova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Tatiana Vladimirovna Opeykina
Candidate of Philosophic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Trade Business, Volgograd Cooperation Institute (branch) of Russian Cooperation University
Novosibirskaya St., 76, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
In modern conditions as authors mention it is important to take into consideration not only the real labor market, but also “the market of potential workers” which in the long term can play a key role in the formation of an effective personnel management system for a concrete enterprise, and therefore in the course of the formation of personnel potential the important place is taken by actual forms and methods of personnel training. It is proved in the article that the efficiency of functioning of agricultural enterprises in many respects depends on the state and the development of personnel potential. The authors pay attention to questions of the staff training for the agricultural sphere in modern conditions, reveal problems in this sphere, using the example of the Volgograd region, they analyze the developed system of training for the agrarian sector in the region with agro-industrial specialization in more detail. The authors emphasize that the modernization of the staff for the enterprises of the agroindustrial sector is only one of a complex of problems of social and economic arrangement of rural territories many of which are depressive ones. The creation of a multilevel system of the agricultural education on the basis of the integration of agricultural higher education institutions with agricultural colleges and other middle professional institutions is an important step in the direction of the modernization of the process of training of the personnel for the agrarian and industrial complex.
Key words: personnel potential, agrarian and industrial complex, Volgograd region, educational technologies, system of cooperative education, educational agrarian cluster, continuous education.
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