Kurchenkov V.V., Morozova N.I., Kalmykova T.N. Ways of improvement of the efficiency of territorial public management
Vladimir Viktorovich Kurchenkov
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of State and Municipal Management, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Natalia Ivanovna Morozova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Tatiana Nikolaevna Kalmykova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems in the Economy, Russian State University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov
Stremyanny Lane, 36, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation
The article gives a comprehensive analysis of the territorial public self-government bodies. The estimation of the efficiency of the activity of territorial public self-government bodies is made and the main problems of its increase in the nearest future are identified. In the article firstly the place of territorial public self-government bodies in the structure of local government is identified, then their activity in the territory of the Volgograd region is analyzed and finally the range of issues related to the improvement of the efficiency of the activity of territorial public self-government bodies in modern conditions is determined. The determination of the place of territorial public selfgovernment bodies within the system of local government belongs on the one hand to local regional and municipal authorities. On the other hand local authorities are active in terms of the system of the authority delegation, expansion and completion of functions of managerial competences of territorial public self-government bodies in respect of other local authorities. The estimation of the efficiency of the activity of territorial public self-government is based on the analysis of the impact of the adoption and the implementation of measures for the integrated socio-economic development of the territory. In the proposed article the subject of the evaluation is the result of territorial authorities in areas such as program-target activities, patriotic education of youth, improvement of the sanitary condition of the territory, development of housing and communal services, development of the consumer market and consumer cooperatives, provision of consumer services, education and health, increase of the level of social security and social protection of population, development of culture and sports and recreation activities, protection of public order and others. The effectiveness is tied to specific indicators of the socio-economic development of the area in the short and long term periods. On the basis of the monitoring the problems of an effective territorial self-government are determined. The recommendations for the municipal authorities concerning the improvement of the efficiency of territorial public self-government bodies in the Volgograd region are offered.
Key words: region, municipality, regional management, municipal management, local management, territorial self-management, effectiveness of municipal management, functions of territorial public self-government bodies, activities of territorial public self-government bodies, monitoring of the effectiveness of territorial public self-government bodies.
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