Popova L.V., Lata M.C. Exogenous and endogenous conditions of the growth of the innovative activity of small agrarian forms of enterprise
Larisa Vitalyevna Popova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Insurance, Financial and Economic Analysis, Volgograd State Agrarian University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 26, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Mariya Sergeyevna Lata
Senior Lecturer, Department of Insurance, Financial and Economic Analysis, Volgograd State Agrarian University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 26, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
In the article the problematic aspects of the current state of the agrarian economy of the region fr om the point of view of prospects of the innovative development of the agricultural production and the inclusion in the process of scientific and technical update of the regional agroindustrial complex of small farms are investigated. The growth of the share of small producers in volumes of the agricultural production became an obvious trend of the last decade. However despite an approximate equality of large and small agrofirms in gross production, the production volumes made with the use of technological innovations in small agrarian forms of enterprise is so far 10 times lower than in middle sized or large agricultural organizations and their associations. Authors think that the creation of conditions for the disclosure of the potential of small firms of agricultural production is the main reserve of the acceleration of rates of the innovative development of the agrarian sector of the Russian economy. In the article the main problems interfering the development of the innovative component of the activity of small agricultural producers are revealed and the basic indicators characterizing their innovative potential are defined. The authors believe that most actively and productively the innovative development of country farms is shown in those natural and economic zones of Russia wh ere there exist optimal climatic, soil, demographic, transport, logistic, scientific, production and social conditions for this purpose.
Key words: agrarian and industrial complex, Volgograd region, innovative potential, risks, modernization, regulation, development, small farms, farms, personal subsidiary farms.
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